Nova KBM

Unaudited Report on Operations of Nova KBM d.d. in the Period from January to September 2008 | NKBM

Based on the provisions of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and the applicable legislation, Nova KBM d.d., Maribor, publishes the Unaudited Report on Operations of Nova KBM d.d. in the Period from January to September 2008.

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Unaudited Report on Operations of Nova KBM d.d. in the Period from January to September 2008

28 October 2008
Based on the provisions of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and the applicable legislation, Nova KBM d.d., Maribor, publishes the Unaudited Report on Operations of Nova KBM d.d. in the Period from January to September 2008.
Management Board of Nova KBM d.d.  
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