Nova KBM

Nova KBM sets the offer price at EUR 8 per share | NKBM

Nova KBM, the second-largest banking group in Slovenia, has set the Offer Price for shares in its current public offering at EUR 8 per share. The PLN equivalent of the Offer Price will be established on or around 20 April 2011, based on the market exchange rate available to Nova KBM, and will be announced publicly.

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Nova KBM sets the offer price at EUR 8 per share

14 April 2011
Nova KBM, the second-largest banking group in Slovenia, has set the Offer Price for shares in its current public offering at EUR 8 per share. The PLN equivalent of the Offer Price will be established on or around 20 April 2011, based on the market exchange rate available to Nova KBM, and will be announced publicly.



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Nova KBM Nova KBMNova KBMNova KBM