Nova KBM

Nova KBM's Supervisory Board discussed audited business results and confirmed dividend payout | NKBM

Nova KBM’s Supervisory Board discussed at its 9th regular meeting the audited business results of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group in 2008, and confirmed the Annual Report of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group for 2008. The Supervisory Board also endorsed the proposal of the Management Board to pay out a dividend amounting to €0.20 per share. Despite the tough conditions in the financial markets, Nova KBM achieved good results. The volume of operations of the Nova KBM Group rose by nearly 8 per cent during 2008, and the Bank generated a net profit of €16,251,757.17 during the 2008 financial year, thus consolidating its position as Slovenia’s second largest financial group.

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Nova KBM's Supervisory Board discussed audited business results and confirmed dividend payout

28 April 2009
Nova KBM’s Supervisory Board discussed at its 9th regular meeting the audited business results of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group in 2008, and confirmed the Annual Report of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group for 2008. The Supervisory Board also endorsed the proposal of the Management Board to pay out a dividend amounting to €0.20 per share. Despite the tough conditions in the financial markets, Nova KBM achieved good results. The volume of operations of the Nova KBM Group rose by nearly 8 per cent during 2008, and the Bank generated a net profit of €16,251,757.17 during the 2008 financial year, thus consolidating its position as Slovenia’s second largest financial group.
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