Nova KBM

Nova KBM's Supervisory Board discussed, among others, the sale of Mercator shares | NKBM

At its yesterday's regular meeting, the Supervisory Board of Nova KBM was given information about the current operations of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group. In addition, Supervisory Board members discussed, among others, the sale of Mercator shares.

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Nova KBM's Supervisory Board discussed, among others, the sale of Mercator shares

21 December 2011
At its yesterday's regular meeting, the Supervisory Board of Nova KBM was given information about the current operations of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group. In addition, Supervisory Board members discussed, among others, the sale of Mercator shares.

At its yesterday's regular meeting, the Supervisory Board of Nova KBM was given information about the current operations of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group. In addition, Supervisory Board members discussed, among others, the sale of Mercator shares.

In compliance with the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and the applicable legislation, Nova KBM d.d., Maribor, hereby makes the following announcement:
At yesterday's regular meeting of the Supervisory Board, information was given to the Board members about the current operations of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group. Supervisory Board members also took note of the issues related to the performance of the Bank and the Nova KBM Group. In addition, they discussed the sale of Mercator, and gave their consent to the Bank to enter into the agreement for the sale of its stake in Mercator.

Management board of Nova KBM d.d.

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