Nova KBM

Negotiations for the sale of Zavarovalnica Maribor d.d. | NKBM

In accordance with the provisions of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and the applicable legislation, the Management Board of Nova KBM d.d., Maribor, hereby gives the following notice:

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Negotiations for the sale of Zavarovalnica Maribor d.d.

29 November 2012
In accordance with the provisions of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and the applicable legislation, the Management Board of Nova KBM d.d., Maribor, hereby gives the following notice:

In the process of selling its 50.9963 percent stake in Zavarovalnica Maribor d.d., Nova KBM d.d. has decided to select Pozavarovalnica Sava d.d. as the only potential buyer with whom it will continue negotiating the sale.

The negotiations are expected to be concluded and the agreement signed by 21 December 2012.

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