Nova KBM

EBA Transparency exercise | NKBM

In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies, the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules, and the applicable legislation, the Nova KBM Management Board hereby gives the following notice:

EBA Transparency exercise

16 December 2013
In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies, the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules, and the applicable legislation, the Nova KBM Management Board hereby gives the following notice:

With the aim at restoring confidence, fostering market and supervisory discipline and promoting financial stability EBA in autumn 2013 execute the Transparency exercise. In the exercise participated 64 banks that were already part of the recapitalisation exercise in 2012, including Nova KBM d.d.. The information provide data on banks' composition of capital, composition of RWAs, exposures to sovereigns, credit risk, market risk and securitisation as well as and Loan To Value (LTV) across portfolios as at end of December 2012 and end of June 2013.

The Group's Core Tier 1 was 7.6% as at 31 December 2012 and 6.5% as at 30 June 2013, which was already published. The Bank shows capital shortfall on minimal Core Tier 1 ratio of 9% according to EBA recommendations. Capital increase and the transfer of claims to BAMC are in progress to eliminate the capital shortfall. After those activities which will be finished by the end of 2013 the Nova KBM Group will exceed the required minimal Core Tier 1 ratio.

Further information regarding the methodology and results of the Transparency exercise are available for inspection on the websites of the EBA and Bank of Slovenia.

The detailed results of the Transparency exercise for Nova KBM d.d. are attached.

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